Glasgow Pregnancy Choices


Glasgow Pregnancy Choices

No Matter How You Are Feeling..

Our skilled listeners are available to listen to your circumstances and the emotions you are processing.

Your email and voicemail will be checked daily

Your confidentiality is taken very seriously

You will be heard

Your choices will be respected

How We Help

Pregnant?   Suffered a miscarriage?

Whatever the circumstances, we are here to listen to you. All our services are free and confidential.

You can find space and time to talk through your options, and we can provide practical help and information.  If you need help and support after any baby loss, including miscarriage or stillbirth, we are here for you.

Comforting hands

What Can I Expect?

During what may be a difficult time for you, you may be feeling anxious about what to expect.  You will find an atmosphere of warmth and safety with any interaction you have with us.

Whether you come alone, or with a partner or friend, from the first moment you meet us, you will be treated with respect and dignity, and everything you may want to share with us will remain in confidence.

What others say about us

I was told by someone I respected not to talk about it – it wasn’t nice. My depression just got worse. When I went to GPC, I finally got the help I needed. I found peace, understanding and healing.

A Service User

Frequently Asked Questions

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I think I might be pregnant - how can I be sure?

If you haven’t yet had a pregnancy test, you can purchase one from any pharmacy or supermarket.  

I am pregnant – what are my options?

If you are definitely pregnant, you now need to consider your future and what is right for you. We can help you look at each option available: parenting, abortion or adoption.

My daughter is pregnant – how can I help her to make the right decision for her?

You may both be in shock and need the support of someone outside your situation. It may be helpful for her to talk to someone other than yourself to help her make the right decision for herself.

I’m not sure I want to be pregnant.

As well as choosing to become a parent, the other options available to you are – to have an abortion or to consider continuing with the pregnancy and having the baby adopted. If you are definitely pregnant, you now need to consider your future and what is right for you. We can help you look at each of these options.

What about adoption?

Understanding more about adoption will help you decide if this is right for you. Our advisors can help you look at what is involved and support you through each stage if this is what you choose.  

Can my partner prevent me from going through with my choice – I know so little about this!

By law, the decision is yours alone. It is a good idea to discuss your choice with your partner. We can talk with you both as a couple, or each of you on your own if you prefer.

I am being pressured to make decisions – what are my choices?

It’s not good to make decisions when you are under pressure. We can provide a safe place for you to consider all your options without the demands from others. We would encourage you to talk to one of our advisors in the office, or over the phone, to help you make the right choice for you. It is your choice alone whether you continue your pregnancy or decide to opt for an abortion or adoption.

Can you refer me to a medical centre if I decide to go ahead with a termination?

We offer a safe place to talk, to explore your feelings and to consider all your options. We cannot directly refer you as we are not a medical centre, but we can give you contact details of the relevant NHS clinic.

My daughter had an abortion, and I supported her – now we find it difficult to talk – what help can you give?

We can offer you time to talk through your experience and your thoughts, working towards relieving any negative feelings that you may be experiencing yourself. As you get the help that you need, you will be in a better place to communicate with your daughter.  If your daughter has not had the opportunity to speak with anyone, then we can offer her support too.

I suffered a miscarriage 25 years ago, and recently I find that I cannot stop thinking about that baby – is this normal?

You may not have grieved adequately for your baby at the time of your miscarriage. Also, others may not have acknowledged your loss as it was seen as ‘normal’. The fact that many years have passed does not decrease the significance of your loss. Feel free to contact us at any time.

If I were to meet someone from your team, where would that be? When can we meet up?

Our offices are located in the centre of Glasgow, opposite Glasgow Central Station. Most appointments can be made at times that are convenient to you and the team member assigned to you.

What happens about an emergency over a holiday weekend, for example?

Unfortunately, we cannot meet you in our office on weekends, nor on public holidays, as the building we are in is not open. But we will access your call/email and be in touch with you and arrange to speak to you in person and arrange a meeting as soon as possible.  If you need to talk to someone urgently, please contact The Samaritans 116 123 or SAMH 0141 530 1000